Advanced computer users and IT administrators are provided with the ability to search files by the user name, user domain, primary user group
and group domain. Select the 'Search Files With the User Name' file matching rule, select an appropriate text matching operator and enter the user name to search for.
The entered text pattern is case insensitive and it may be matched exactly or at different places inside of the user name using different types of the text matching operator.
For example, in order to search for all files owned by the computer Administrator, select the 'User Name' rule, set the rule operator to 'Equal' and enter 'Administrator' to the text entry.
Another option is to use a negative search rule operator to search files not owned by the specified user. For example, in order to search files owned by any regular user,
but not by the computer Administrator, set the rule operator to 'Not Equal' and enter 'Administrator' to the text entry.
Search Files By User Group
In addition, IT administrators are provides with the ability to search files by the primary user group. For example, in order to search files owner by all administrators,
set the search rule type to 'Group Name', set the search operator to 'Equals', set the rule value to 'ADMINISTRATORS' and press the 'Search' button.
One of the most powerful capabilities of the VX Search file matching rules, is the ability to combine different types of rules to precisely search for the required files.
For example, in order to search for all types of large documents owned by regular users, but not by Administrators, add a rule to match all types of documents,
add a second rule to match files by the file size, add a third rule to match files with the primary user group not equal to 'ADMINISTRATORS' and then set the rules logic to 'Match All Rules'.
During the file search operation, VX Search will apply the file matching rules according to the specified rules order and rules logic. For example, if the rules logic
is set to 'Match All Rules', VX Search will apply the rules until the first not matching rule and the rest of the rules will be skipped. On the other hand, if the rules
logic is set to 'Match Any Rule', the rules will be applied until the first matching rule and the rest of the rules will be skipped.